- 'cos life is like that

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About the Author
Tudor Davies

author Tudor is a techie turned manager who fights like mad to keep his tech skills honed and relevant. Everything from web hosting, networking, *nix and the like. Constantly developing and co-ordinating with others to make the web a better (and easier to use) place.

Your Kalemsoft - From: Tudor
Thursday, 15th September 2011 @ 12:59

Hi Torsten
Essentially I created the directory

and then added the following to my fstab
//[ip of nas]/[share name] /var/palm/jail/com.kalemsoft.ksmplayera/media/internal/nas cifs username=[user],password=[password],rw 0 0
A quick mount -a from the command line and it mounts perfectly.
Hope that helps


your kalemsoft - From: Torsten
Wednesday, 14th September 2011 @ 17:25

could you please explain how to get my shares into kalemsoft?
will you please be so kind and post your /etc/fstab?



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